Laran's Cartography | Waterdeep Gothic | Obsidian Portal Always a wise and kind . The Order of the Even-Handed is a local monastic order dedicated to Tyr. Skip to: Adventure Log 1370-71 / 1372 / 1373 / 1374 Hammer 1-10 (January 1-10), 1373 Consisting mainly of halfling paladins of Arvoreen (and a few like-minded gnomes), the Marchers are highly respected by local humans and halflings alike. For even more options, I used Volo's Guide to Waterdeep. Waterdeep - City South Ward Waterdeep is named for its outstanding natural . Route. Waterdeep tries very hard to keep this guild repressed from operations but are not able to do so. time through there when Mogr had no quest ring. History of the Forgotten Realms. Midnight Among the gods cast down was Mystra, Goddess of Magic. Waterdeep was ruled by a sixteen-seat council whose membership was largely secret. These hidden Lords of Waterdeep maintained their identities behind magical masks, called the Lord's Helm, and while they ruled in public, none knew the true identities of most of them. PDF Waterdeep - However, when I do a search for the term "Helm's Hall", it returns nothing. He started the Griffon Cavalry and the magisters' systems. Church of Bane - Forgotten Realms Semantic Wiki Civilized doesn't mean safe, nor does it mean easy to navigate. The Wards of Waterdeep | Waterdeep: Dragon Heist ... This historic stone building was constructed nearly two centuries ago to care for the orphans and widows of deceased adventurers. He ruled for but 200 years before he died, and is now entombed in the Palace of Waterdeep. As the central location of Campaign 1 and Plan B's base of operations, many individuals crossed paths with the heroes in Phandalin. To Waterdeep. (15 Guard at all times) Castle Waterdeep: Castle for the Masked Lords of . Many poor but honest Waterdhavians live here, as well as a few rising merchants and retired adventurers. Dawn: Last night, we dined with Lady Vola Ironscale, Lord Evanlark Brokengulf, and Min. Waterdeep | SF D&D Wiki | Fandom Forgotten Realms History - History of the Forgotten Realms Forgotten Realms (Faerun, Sword Coast) Interactive Map. Waterdeep is named for its outstanding natural . Volo's Waterdeep Enchiridion | Waterdeep: Heist of the Mad ... I've mentioned this tome before, and it is out-of-print, but it is an invaluable resource of information about this fabulous city. The stairs lead to a barred door that has just been smashed open by Twinbeard. Southern Ward, as its name implies, is the southern end of Waterdeep, and its people and business are dominated by the caravan trade, with its necessary stables and warehouses. The nuns confirm that a wild-eyed dwarf just burst through here and ran out the front door. Gnawbones - Forgotten Realms Semantic Wiki Temples of Waterdeep - OakthorneWiki I want him and another player (they are missing for 1 game, so that would be their way of levelling up) to spend 1-2 days on a short investigation. Helm's Hall:Orphanage (Helm). Helm's Hall - Helm. Dawn and Blossom paid 250 each for the deposit. In the late 1400s, the city's official faith was in Torm the True, the state religion of Elturgard, and it was ruled by its high priest, the High Observer of Torm. [1] A person from Baldur's Gate is . Helm's Hold Hall of Justice Cloak Tower Castle Never House of Knowledge: Harpers Neverwinter Nine Many-Starred Cloak: Large City Metropolis: Settlement: Nasher: Waterdeep: Northwest Faerûn Faerûn: Aelinthaldaar Mount Waterdeep City of the Dead Nimoar's Hold Sea Ward Castle Ward Trades Ward Dock Ward South Ward North Ward: Undermountain . House Rules. Last session ended with: tested at Hawkwinter As Dawn's attack connected with the third of Darvin's guards he signaled a second wave of guards onto the field. Here is a list of places within the South Ward. One of my players is a paladin and worships Helm. I want him and another player (they are missing for 1 game, so that would be their way of levelling up) to spend 1-2 days on a short investigation. It has served as a storage warehouse, as a sanatorium for victims of the Spellplague, and even briefly as a dark temple when the city was over-run by the Ashmadai. While in Neverwinter, Dagult operated out of the Hall of Justice. Baldur's Gate is a metropolis and city-state on the Sword Coast and Western Heartlands blend, on the north bank of the river Chionthar about twenty miles (32 km) east from its mouth on the Sea of Swords. Or take the Halls of the Helm portal in the east wing of the Facility Hub . Tag: Grid: Type/Name: Arvoreen's Marchers Avoreen (Halflings), Gaerdal Ironhand (Gnomes) This Tethyrian military order started in response to the Tethyrian Interregnum and has a history of battling anarchy, keeping order, and fighting monsters. However, when I do a search for the term "Helm's Hall", it returns nothing. A tiefling by-blow from one of Oldrath's distant cousins, the girl's caretakers brought her to Waterdeep when she was a very small girl of four, after the death of her father, Masgler Silmerhelve. I would like Helm's Hall to be attacked by some faction, be it minor or larger. The entrance is a red door marked with the symbol of the Xanathar. Many things Waterdeep's residents take for granted are, to new arrivals, a bevy of wonders and dangers they have not seen in any other settlement within a thousand miles. History Lathander was the central figure in the Dawn Cataclysm, an ill-fated attempt by the Morninglord to reshape the Faerunian pantheon in his own image. This new campaign shakes things up with a dual tank 10 man formation. Helm's Hall is supported financially by a number of temples, noble houses, and retired adventurers, while priests of Helm tend to the day to day management and administration of services. Guardian Hall Guardians Post Helm's Hold Helms Shieldhall House of the Guardian Nashkel Temple of Helm Ready House of the Right Strong Hand Sentinel Rock Cormyr Dragon Coast Tethyr Vilhon Reach Western Heartlands Yeshpek Chapel of Helm: Church of Moradin Church of Torm Church of Arvoreen Vigilant Eyes of the Deity Church of Cyrrollalee Church . Or they may need to track down the tavern's current owner, Artus Riversword (see the Helm's Hold lead to Triboar, described above). It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. This haven had ensured the small village of Leilon's survival on the turbulent Sword Coast for centuries, until the day when the steeple's warning bell rang and no one ever came back out. A gelatinous cube glides down a dungeon passage, unnoticed by the adventurers until the cube engulfs one of them. Guide to Waterdeep Waterdeep is a vibrant and diverse City with many different customs and peoples living in its borders. Now the questing goes: Great Delving, Silvertine Lodes, Durin's Way, Water-Works, Zelem-melek, Redhorn Lodes, Flaming Deeps, and Nud-melek. Field Ward. Waterdeep is the last in a trilogy of mod- . Will hold for a tenday. 1308 DR [Year of Catacombs] Baeron, Open Lord of Waterdeep, dies of fever, and Shilarn, his wife, immolates herself on his funeral pyre. For some, this can be overwhelming, . This district was once a caravan yard between Waterdeep's two northernmost walls, kept free of settlement to serve as a killing field in times of war. For DMs: Help with Church of Helm (Helm's Hall?) I've mentioned this tome before, and it is out-of-print, but it is an invaluable resource of information about this fabulous city. As of 1372 DR it is ruled by Myrmeen Lhal. Castle Ward. Kylynne Silmerhelve: Patriarch's cousin (Renown 6) • 58 years. In time, he became the leader of the Knights' chapter in Waterdeep and assumed the title of Tyr's Champion, devoting himself to protecting the city's Hall of . I just created a topic, Helm's Hall as a place located in Waterdeep. Independent Agents: Is a sect of thieves that pursue their own agendas. In my story, the door leads to an orphanage, Helm's Hall. I "closed" Helm's Hall and did not specify why. 1 Waterdeep (capital) Ardeep Ardeep Forest. Player's Handbook, p.189. Raflar's D&D Resources. This historic stone building was constructed nearly two centuries ago to care for the orphans and widows of deceased adventurers. (drow for "lair") in the sewers near Helm's Hall. Waterdeep is the last in a trilogy of mod- . Helm's Hall: Orphanage (Helm). Waterdeep Dragon Heist unlocks after completeing 15 separate adventures. Arabel is a city in northern Cormyr. Twenty children were rescued from the temple complex, most of them orphans who we turned over to the staff of Helm's Hall, along with sizeable donations to that orphanage. Map Files: ACMaps Map. A role playing game that takes place in the Forgotten Realms in the city of Waterdeep, the largest city in Faerun during a tumultuous period as the worshippers of Helm deal with the loss of their deity. Whom should Brynna contact with Sending? A band of adventurers sneaks up on a bandit camp, springing from the trees to attack them. Show location on Dereth map. South Ward, as its name implies, is the southern end of Waterdeep, and its people and business are dominated by the caravan trade, with its necessary stables and warehouses. ; A Gnomish man Mr Bellos, a member of the Harpers working directly for Mirt brings in the parties payment as well as the information requested about the Black Viper happenings in the North Ward. It lies east of Leilon, just south of the Triboar Trail. The room to which they teleported turned out to be the Hall of the Black Helm, a chamber used long ago by a human king as a throne room. The city is at an important crossroads and is a major trade center. SAGamers Waterdeep Campaign Blue text denotes material added or modified for our campaign. Harbin Wester: current townmaster; banker . A stretch of the forest full of wild magic known as the Watcher's Forest was named for the fact it was tended by some residents of Helm's Hold. I "closed" Helm's Hall and did not specify why. The current members of the Alliance are Amphail, Baldur's Gate, Daggerford, Longsaddle, Mirabar, Mithral Hall, Neverwinter, Silverymoon, Waterdeep, and Yartar. Get more informations by clicking an area or a mark on the map, or enter a name. Please provide full debrief to Helm's Hall in Waterdeep. Helm held a great deal of resentment for Lathander, as the latter indirectly caused the death of Helm's lover, Murdane. Hall of Heroes. Helm's Hall is supported financially by a number of temples, noble houses, and retired adventurers, while priests of Helm tend to the day to day management and administration of services. The House of Inspired Hands (Temple of Gond) The House of the Moon (Temple of Selûne) The House of Heroes (Temple of Tempus) The Spires of the Morning (Temple of Lathander) The Font of Knowledge (Temple of Oghma) The Halls of Justice (Temple of Tyr) The Plinth (Temple of all faiths) Helm's Hall (Temple of Helm) Bold. The surge of violence in Waterdeep spurs members of the order to find adventurers who can help return peace to the city. Leilon's total population is some 3,000; its ruler is Pelindar Filmarva, Lord of Leilon. For this reason it was considered part of the Western Heartlands of the Realms, even though it lay 150 miles north of Daggerford on the shores of the Sword Coast. Blossom read it aloud. Waterdeep Gothic arnmaker arnmaker 2013-11-18T18:30:12Z 2013-11-18T18:30:12Z. ». He ruled for but 200 years before he died, and is now entombed in the Palace of Waterdeep. The order's mission is to seek out and destroy evil before it gains a foothold. The session starts with the applause from the crowd as the Opera comes to a close. It dominates all criminal mischievous activities in the Dock Ward, South Ward, and Trades Ward. This is the common man's side of the City of Splendors. Skip to: Adventure Log 1370-71 / 1372 / 1373 / 1374 Hammer 1-10 (January 1-10), 1373 Waterdeep is the most civilized city on the Sword Coast. Aghairon established the city's governance system, the Code Legal, and built the magical barriers that defend the town. { name:"Aurora's Realms Shop, Waterdeep Way Catalogue Counter", color:"#FFD700", x:2101, y:4025, txt:"<p>A large building featuring a street-facing showroom with offices above it, and ample storage in the back part of the building on both floors as well as a practically cavernous cellars, these offices are the heart of the empire that is Aurora . Founded 20 years ago by Dumal Erard, a retired member of the Company of Crazed Venturers of Waterdeep, it's grown to a watchful community of 700 faithful. Helm's Hall: Orphanage (Helm). Last Session Dawn drunk Ciric shopped and scheduled training at Dancing Haven. Helm's Watch were the vigilant protectors of the town of Leilon, providing sanctuary in the underground keep beneath their sacred temple. Running the Adventure In this adventure, Midnight must ac- Most of the Sundering wars have ended; Neverember continues as Lord of Neverwinter but loses his title as Open Lord of Waterdeep to Laeral Silverhand due to scandal. I just created a topic, Helm's Hall as a place located in Waterdeep. Bell Tower: A simple bell tower used to signal fires, attacks and calls for assembly at the Palace. SAGamers Waterdeep Campaign Blue text denotes material added or modified for our campaign. Dock Ward, southern end of city, west of Helm's Hall Needed 500 gp deposit to hold it. Seriously, . (drow for "lair") in the sewers near Helm's Hall. Helm's Favor is the blessing currency. High Forest Poachers . This orphanage plays a part in my Jarlaxle storyline and is where the 4 street urchins actually live. If you have need to visit the environs of the city, here's what you'll need to know. the guardian god Helm, the only one of their number who was not cast down. I would tend to think that Helm's Hall, as an orphanage, is acting in a "guardianship" capacity for those orphaned children and lost youngsters Ederick is bringing in from the streets of Waterdeep. Do that, head back to 21st Hall, and you should be good to go with Mogr. Blessings Guide who have been slain by hill giants and then taken back to Grudd Haug. The city sat "slightly above the 45 degree north latitude line on Toril . Zoom by using the buttons on the map, your mouse wheel or the '+' and '-' keys on your keyboard. The family currently has no patriarch; the aged Brador died in the Year of the Arch (1353 DR) to leave behind a wife (Kara) and a two-year-old child (Detan, now six). Waterdeep, 23 Hammer afternoon-night Helm's Hall Brynna made the point that the Longfellow house might contain a ledger that provides more info about the pirate-slaver network Zethal said he would pass along the supposition to Helm's Hold for possible investigation. It is a stable and generally peaceful city, where the rule of law is enforced by a huge and well-equipped City Watch further backed up by some of the most powerful personalities in the Realms. I Imater Helm's Hall N orth Ward Hospice of St. This historic stone building was constructed nearly two centuries ago to care for the orphans and widows of deceased adventurers. 01CC. 15.8N, 2.1E. Harkas was the eldest son of Lord Helm Kormallis but also a devoted paladin and Tyrran zealot, even cutting off his right hand in sacrifice to Tyr and soon joining the Knights of Samular. Order of the Even-Handed. There is some doubt that Mithral Hall will be part of the alliance for much longer, but until rulership of the dwarven city is more firmly established, it remains a member. PCs who are crossing the High Forest may stumble across the slaughtered remains of megafauna (huge deer, etc.) Helm's Watch. After the city was re-taken, the Cathedral was . Helm's Hall is supported financially by a number of temples, noble houses, and retired adventurers, while priests of Helm tend to the day to day management and administration of services. (It's hard to tell from looking on the map, so I'm going to say it's 50 miles to get to Helm's Hold. Ever since the updates, Moria runs a lot more linearly. The information is taken from the City of Splendors Boxed Set. But there was one thing you were devoted to most of all … Her name was Allura Fairweather. One of the older noble families of Waterdeep, the Ruldegosts are originally nobles of the lost land of Uthtower (now sunk forever beneath the Mere of Dead Men. Government I did some rough math, in which I concluded it would take about 11 hours to travel there.) This supplement adds more challenges for characters of levels 5 to 6 who enter Avernus through the city. Here's what you need to know to survive the city. It was one of the cities damaged in the Goblin Wars. We can get a Revivify scroll from Helm's Hall for 1,000 gp. 10 gp penalty for cancelling. This historic stone building was constructed nearly two centuries ago to care for the orphans and widows of deceased adventurers. Helm's Favor is the blessing currency. This historic stone building was constructed nearly two centuries ago to care for the orphans and widows of deceased adventurers. Helm Helm's Hall Southern Ward Ilmater Hospice of St. Laupsenn North Ward Lathander Spires of the Morning Castle Ward The Adventure Log is a record of our group's adventures in and around Waterdeep (in black text), and of the more mundane events in the lives of our characters (in white text.). Many landmarks of interest are found in this ward Lathander Laupsenn Castle Ward aside from the six walking statues (discussed later in Mielikki, Silvanus Spires of the Morning Sea Ward this chapbook). Clerics, monks, and paladins are especially welcome, particularly if they worship Helm, Torm, or Tyr. We met Evanlark because he needed to buy horses in Triboar. Last Update: November 18, 2013 18:30. by: arnmaker. There's more to the city of Waterdeep than just the wards within its walls. Move the map by draging it with your mouse or using your keyboard arrows. Then there were the Time of Troubles, the Spellplague, and the Sundering . Temples Waterdeep Font of Knowledge - temple to Oghma, god of knowledge Halls of Justice - temple to Tyr, god of justice Helm's Hall - temple to Helm, god of watchfulness and vigilance Holyhands House - temple for all faiths Hospice of St Laupsenn - temple to Ilmater, god of endurance and martyrdom House of Heroes - temple to Tempus, god of war It is a stable and generally peaceful city, where the rule of law is enforced by a huge and well-equipped City Watch further backed up by some of the most powerful personalities in the Realms. Running the Adventure In this adventure, Midnight must ac- Helm's Hall: Orphanage dedicated to Helm. Unfortunately the room had long ago been looted and pillaged, but markings on the walls led the adventurers to a safe room, which had become the home of a group of three merchants. Midnight Among the gods cast down was Mystra, Goddess of Magic. 1489 DR Horde of the Dragon Queen. As I type this, I realize that the search field in RW deletes the apostrophe in the search term after you hit enter, instead searching for "Helms Hall" which returns nothing. Waterdeep, the City of Splendors is considered to be the greatest of the Sword Coast cities and perhaps the one of greatest cities on the face of the world. We've already been saving your edits, so if you upgrade now you will have instant access to your previous versions. The vital commerce (and shady dealings) of Waterdeep keep its streets busy at all hours. In the mountains east of Leilon's mines is at least one important abandoned dwarf-hold, "Southkrypt," said to be home to many strange and dangerous creatures. Welcome to Waterdeep Dragon Heist! There doesn't appear to be a specific clergy either. Waterdeep, the City of Splendors is considered to be the greatest of the Sword Coast cities and perhaps the one of greatest cities on the face of the world. A person from Arabel is known as an Arabellan. 2 Crypts of the Deepening Moon (ruin) 3 Dancing Dell 4 Glen of Aloevan 5 Green Glade 6 House of Long Silences (ruin) 7 House of Stone (ruin) 8 Nandar Lodge (ruin) 9 Phylund Hunting Lodge (fort) 10 Reluraun's Tomb (ruin) 11 Floshin Estates 12 Harpshield Lands 13 Dungeon of the Shield 14 . Welcome to Waterdeep Dragon Heist! He started the Griffon Cavalry and the magisters' systems. From Zaikhal run to 18.7N, 1,6E.
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